How can I create a better relationship with my spirit guides? 10 of Wands R + Ace of Wands (BoS So Below)

BoS So Below 10 of Wands BoS So Below Ace of Wands

The fact that I’m feeling so overwhelmed and burdened by responsibilities is causing me to let things slip through the cracks.  I have an opportunity to reignite my spark but I have to take it.  With all the obligations I’m burdened with right now I feel as though I don’t have the right to take time for myself but these cards are telling me that I need to change that perception.

If I want to create a better relationship with my spirit guides then I need to stop letting my responsibilities be an excuse and just do something.  It doesn’t need to be elaborate.  I think it’s a question of taking 10 minutes or so every day and just being more mindful and open to connecting with the spirit world.  Right now I feel like a rat trapped in a barrel – I’m running in circles, using up all my energy and getting no where.  I’m exhausted, drained and defeated.  The only way I know to counter-act this is to take some time for myself; to be still and listen.

This isn’t exactly mind-blowing news.  I know the answer and realize the Tarot is reinforcing what I already knew but have been avoiding.  Small steps, baby steps – that’s all it takes.  I don’t need to reach the goal line in a week.  I didn’t get to this point in my life overnight so why I think the solution should be a quick fix is beyond me.  To paraphrase Robin Byrd, I need to lie back, relax and get comfortable – at least for a few minutes every day.

2 thoughts on “How can I create a better relationship with my spirit guides? 10 of Wands R + Ace of Wands (BoS So Below)

  1. a rat trapped in a barrel – I’m running in circles, using up all my energy and getting no where. That is the pitfall of our busy busy lives: having to many excuses not to sit down and meditate. because it is so damn scary for the ego to be silent


    • It truly is a pitfall of modern life. What amazes me is that even when we realize how futile it is we stay on the hamster wheel. I think it’s time to jump off the damned thing.


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