#TarotDaily – Kali Rx + Chief of Wheels Rx (#SacredBridges)

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  • Kali’s dance of death is inevitable. You can’t avoid it or postpone it, only accept it. Stubbornly refusing to accept change can create stagnation and prevent skills from growing. Face Kali and absorb her message so you can begin growing and manifesting your future.
  • Perhaps you enjoy the status quo. You feel on top and in control and don’t want that to change. Unfortunately, that’s an illusion. No matter how hard we cling to now, it always slips from our grasp. Enjoy it while it’s here but prepare yourself for future changes as well. Being King of the World is never permanent.
  • Kali will eventually dance on all our bones, that is the nature of life – things die so new life can grow. We try to outrace her; to create an oasis hidden from her influence, but it’s futile. On the positive side, things we hate right now will eventually fall to Kali’s dance too. As Bowie sang “Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes, turn and face the strange.”

#TarotDaily – Chief of Wheels Rx + Ace of Stakes Rx (#SacredBridges)

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  • Mastery in any area is difficult to achieve when one’s mind is chaotic and troubled. Calming your mind so it can embrace new ideas is key right now.
  • Before you can manifest what you desire in your life you need to be able to envision it. That’s difficult when you can’t tame your “monkey mind” and channel it into more disciplined pathways.
  • You have the potential to be master of all you survey but it’s unexpressed right now because you are letting negative thought and a defeatist mindset hold you back. Work on improving your self-esteem and self-worth and you may find the path easier to maneuver.

#TarotDaily – The Fool + Chief of Stakes Rx (#SacredBridges)

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  1. You are hoping for a new beginning, a new opportunity to change things but you don’t yet have the mastery, knowledge and experience to bring this to fruition. Patience is the key.
  2. Believing in yourself; having faith in your abilities is a wondrous and important component of success but more is usually required for long term success. Learning to harness and focus your creative energies, your divine fire, is necessary too. That’s something only time and experience can offer. So have faith in yourself but do the work needed to acquire the knowledge and experience.
  3. Sometimes mastery and experience can blind us to new paths, ideas and challenges. Every so often we need to jump in with both eyes open and take a risk; to take a deep breath and shout “What the f**k!”.

#TarotDaily – Judgment Rx + King of Swords (Guardian)

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  • It’s time to let go of the need to judge and focus on the darker side of life.  Instead, try connecting with the world around you; the wisdom of nature.  Listen to the messages being offered to you by the divine.
  • You may be intelligent, rational and a great communicator but you can also be harsh and judgmental, especially about yourself.  Crows are very canny creatures who are quick to learn and smart about their environment but don’t waste time judging.  Maybe you should take a page from their handbook and release some of those inner critics that judge so harshly.
  • You may be a master at what you do but your rational, logical approach to matters can come across as harsh and cold.  As the saying goes, judge not lest ye be judged  Maybe it’s time to incorporate a more humane, approachable, less buttoned up persona.

#TarotDaily – Ace of Cups Rx + King of Pentacles (Guardian)

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  • What emotional baggage from your past lingers? It’s preventing you from a fresh start and manifesting the fulfilling, prosperous life you desire.
  • You keep repeating the same mistakes in your relationships. You spiral in and out but learn little and don’t progress to the next level. If you think your perfect partner is going to sweep you off your feet and take care of you, think again. You need to take a more mature, responsible approach to relationships before you’ll be ready for that type of long term commitment.
  • Your mindset about relationships is upside down. You aren’t viewing things clearly. Instead you’re taking a fairy tale, “happily ever after” approach. Remember, for a relationship to endure and be successful (whether romantic or platonic) takes a lot of hard work and commitment. So get your head out of the clouds and put your grown up panties on!

#TarotDaily – Chariot + King of Pentacles (Guardian)

TarotHunter’s Silver Bullets:

  • Branching out, exploring different options and trusting your instincts can aid you in your journey to your final destination – being able to manifest your goals into reality.
  • The journey is important and offers valuable lessons but remember that the end of one journey is also the beginning of the next.
  • You’ve achieved this set of goals, now where will your journey take you? Is your journey linear or a spiral that occasionally revisits certain lessons? Mastery of one lesson may not mean you’re finished. Refresher courses can be beneficial.

#TarotDaily – Death + King of Wands Rx (Grand Luxe)

Tarot Hunter’s Salt Rounds

  • Are you hiding yourself from changes that are necessary? Doing so might be negatively impacting your creative energy.
  • If you wish to unleash your full creative potential, achieve mastery in your desired field then you may need to release things that no longer serve you.
  • Effective leadership requires more than charisma and glib promises. It’s possible to transform oneself into a strong, positive leader but it requires commitment and dedication.

#TarotDaily – King of Bats Rx + 8 of Ghosts Rx

TarotHunter’s Salt Rounds:

  • Your emotions may be leading the way on certain issues but you can remove yourself from a situation physically but emotionally the issues may still haunt you. Instead of letting your emotions guide you, try looking at the situation logically and rationally first.
  • You may be pursuing Mastery of a certain situation but for the wrong reasons. Instead of doing it because you want that sense of achievement and accomplishment and to acquire the knowledge, you’re haunted by emotional issues in your past. Perhaps you felt you never measured up and now you’re pursuing this Mastery in an attempt to prove your critics wrong. You might want to consider whether this is the best path for you right now.
  • Perhaps you already possess this Mastery, this level of accomplishment and achievement, but self-doubts and inner demons are preventing you from realizing it. What is haunting you and preventing you from appreciating all that you’ve achieved in your life?

#TarotCotD – Sage of Swords (World Spirit)

Tarot Hunter’s Silver Bullets

  • Cutting off heads can be fun for a while but eventually people will avoid you out of fear.  Maybe it’s time to occasionally sheathe the sword (or tongue).
  • You may know a lot, you may think a lot, but you can also isolate yourself a lot.  Climb down off that peak and interact with the common folk for a while.
  • An effective communicator knows when to speak and when to be silent.  Mastery implies knowing that listening and hearing are just as important as talking.