What should I begin in my life today? 5 of Rods R + 4 of Cauldrons R (Old Path)

Old Path 5 of Rods Old Path 4 of Cauldrons

The 5 of Wands once again.  I drew this at least twice while working with my previous deck (Book of Shadows As Below).  In fact I’m pretty sure I drew the 4 of Cauldrons at least once with that deck too.  Obviously these two cards have a message for me that I either haven’t acknowledged or haven’t acted upon.

On level the 5 of Wands speaks to me of wasting energy in a pointless battle.  It’s about scuffles that aren’t important and don’t really matter.  It just siphons off energy that can be used more productively and more beneficially.  The 4 of Cauldrons shows me two people drowning their unhappiness in a surplus of liquid forgetfulness.  Their unhappiness and dissatisfaction with their lives is almost palpable although it’s also clear they intend to take no action that might change this.

Both these cards are reversed in this reading which suggests I’m not addressing these issues myself.  I believe they connect to the current situation I’m living as caregiver to my in-laws.  On some level I am so angry about this that I cannot accurately describe how I feel.  My life has been put on hold and I feel as though they are vampires siphoning off my energy and essence.  I am nothing, no one.  I am merely the one who cleans them, feeds them and makes sure they’re safe.  This does not even have the benefits rearing a child might because there is no growth, no improvement.  It’s simply a slow, numbing march towards death.

Well-meaning friends and family compliment me on how selfless I am to do this.  I don’t feel selfless, I feel resentful and pissed off.  I am doing this because I feel it is the moral, ethical, “right” thing to do.  It might not be the case for everyone but it is for me.  That doesn’t mean I don’t hate it sometimes.  I feel trapped and suffocated.  I think this is reflected by the 5 of Wands reversed.  I am struggling against a situation I cannot change (granted it is my decision but that doesn’t make it easy or fun).  It also reinforces the fact that I need to find a creative outlet for this energy before it becomes toxic.

The 4 of Cauldrons reversed shows the inevitable progression if I don’t make some changes.  I’ll become increasingly unhappy and dissatisfied; drowning my sorrows in junk food or other unhealthy behaviors.  I think I’m also tired of pretending I okay with this situation.  I’m no martyr or saint.  I’m just a poor shlub doing what I think is right, even if I hate it.

4 thoughts on “What should I begin in my life today? 5 of Rods R + 4 of Cauldrons R (Old Path)

  1. You are very honest about your feelings. And they are so recognizable. I have that kind of commitment to my husband.who has had a major stroke ten years ago. There is no improvement, no way out, We live in a kind of limbo which I have to accept because he is my husband


    • Hi Ellen,

      Thanks for the comment. I find that I have to be honest – I’m a lousy liar. I also suffer from a well acknowledged lack of tact or diplomacy. The bottom line is I don’t lie or fake it because it just doesn’t occur to me that I should.

      I completely understand the limbo in which you are residing. One of the aspects I find so horrific in my circumstance is that the release from limbo will probably mean the death of my mom-in-law. It’s a sad and tragic thing that wishing for my freedom is also wishing for her death.


      • It is only natural to have such “Horrific” feelings. You just want to be free. You don’t really wish her to pass away. please try not to be too hard for yourself 🙂


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